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Theatre Education

I worked a counselor and supervisor at a theatre camp for eight years, and have taught classes in scene study, monologue work, audition technique, improvisation, and music, as well as developing a leadership training curriculum for older campers. Additionally, I have written, directed, and stage managed many plays for children of all ages, and have worked in multiple theatre education positions. I would love to continue to work in theatre education and TYA in the future. My resume and references are available upon request.


Jewish Education

I have spent many years in Jewish Education, and currently work at West End Synagogue as the Director Of Jewish Family Life & Learning Programs and Operations, where I am responsible for creating and implementing unique, educational programming for all students, ranging from toddlers to teens. Outside of West End, I've taught at many other synagogues in and around NYC, spent many years as a counselor and supervisor at Jewish summer camps, and performed with The Bible Players, an educational Jewish comedy group.



During my time at Muhlenberg College, I served as the Publicity Manager of Muhlenberg Theatre Association. In this position, I supervised the development of all of the organization's publicity materials for productions and special events, with a focus on poster/graphic design, promotional video development, social media marketing, and website design and management. I am eager further utilize and develop these skills. My publicity portfolio is available upon request.


Graphic Design/Photo Editing

Why did my middle school art teacher spend weeks honing the Photoshop skills of 12-year-olds? I'm not sure. But I'm glad to have learned early, and to have what is now 10 years of Photoshop experience. I have designed posters, logos, and other graphics for many theatrical productions, as well as other events. I have retouched headshots and other photos, and have helped to supervise and edit the work of others. I would be thrilled to do any freelance design/editing work. My design portfolio is available upon request.



I minored in English so I could read more books, but I'm not entirely sure that I'll find a marketable career in it. I just want to read novels and plays and discuss there such a thing as a professional book club member? Let me know.

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